The winter is finally here, at least we're getting some use of the drysuits.
Povečan pretok (iz 6 preko 80 na 30m3/s) je na žalost prinesel znižanje temperatur, tako da smo lahko iz pritoževanja nad vodostajem, prešli na pritoževanje nad mrazom.
Higher water level brought the cold so we're no longer complaining about drought, we switched to cold now.
Čista z lateksom dušena fotogeničnost
How photogenic can you be while being strangled with latex seal
Razlog za obisk pa je bila poleg vodostaja tudi otvoritev Prijon Sport Centra. Po novem najdete tam poleg Prijona tudi Sandiline, Sweet protection, Hf in Dakine.
Besides water level we also visited Čezsoča because of the Prijon Spor Center opening. Now you can find Sandiline, Sweet protection, Hf and Dakine gear plus whole Prijon program of course.
Igor je imel svoj prvi uradni govor, skupaj s Tonijem Prijonom pa sta izžrebala novi Forte, ki je bil že zvezan na primerno višino, če bi se vodostaj še zvišal.
Igor had his first speech and later on he draw the first prize together with Toni Prijon - the new Prijon riverrunner Forte. As you can see in the picture, the Forte was already tied up to appropriate height if the water level would climb any further.
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