petek, 24. maj 2013

Hydromagazin - duplerica - two-page spread

Hydromagazin, češka kajakaška revija, se v aktualni številki posveča morskemu kajaku. Med odličnimi članki najdete tudi moj portfolio, s fotografijami posnetimi na Pelješcu, Kornatih, Šibeniku in Mljetu. Več vsebin iz nove izdaje si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Hydromagazin is a Czech paddling magazine that devoted it's last issue to sea kayaking. Amongst high quality articles you can find a two-page spread with my photos that were taken in Pelješac, Kornati islands, Šibenik and Mljet. You can find more content from the current issue here.


četrtek, 16. maj 2013

KajakKanu Magazin 1/2013

Če je tudi vam zatajil videorekorder, si lahko prvo letošnjo oddajo Kajak Kanu (Šport TV) ogledate na spletu. Po 18. minuti lahko občudujete prispevek o Barvnih veslih, ki je bil posnet na Dravici, pardon, Ljubljanici.
Even if your VCR jammed, you can still watch the Kajak Kanu show online. See our paddlers train and compete and learn about Euro Paddle Pass project.


torek, 7. maj 2013

Projekt Iglica - Garfish, work in progress

Na morju se pogosto srečamo z ribami, ki se nam umikajo v plitvino in pri tem skačejo iz vode. Verjetno gre za več vrst, ki se na ta način ščitijo pred roparicami, najbolj markantne pa so seveda največje - Iglice (Belone belone).
We often see fish jumping out of the water while paddling at the sea. I guess they try to protect themselves by jumping into shallow water where they hide among the rocks. The biggest are garfish also called sea needle (Belone belone).

24-iglični tiskalnik / 24-needle printer

Septembra lani je bilo še posebej živahno, zdelo se je da je več rib v zraku kot v vodi. Zato je bilo tudi lažje predvideti, kje se bodo spet pojavile. Za fotografiranje pa je to šele prvi korak v protokolu 'glej riba - krovnica - kovček - fotoaparat - meri - streljaj'. V večini poskusov zgrešim in še dodatno nasolim fotoaparat :S
Last september was obviously 'the jump out month of the year' so it was easier to predict where they'll show up again. And this prediction is the first step in the 'look! a fish - sprayskirt - pelicase - camera - aim - shoot' procedure. Mostly I miss the fish and just put some more salt on the camera :S

Dober timing, kompozicija v nastajanju / Good timing, composition in progress


sreda, 1. maj 2013

Enodnevni Kornati - Kornati for a day

Pred sezono smo z Rito, Tonijem in Petrom skočili na Kornate. Za en dan, kratko a sladko.
Before the season Rita, Toni, Peter and me paddled to Kornati. It was a one day trip which is kind of a record on its own. Short but sweet.

V petek zvečer smo se z Male Proverse zabili v jugo in bili čez dve uri na sestanku/večerji.
We headed into strong SE on friday evening and in two hours we were dinner (and meeting) ready.

V soboto smo videli Nessy. - We've seen Nessy on saturday.

Ribe so skakale od veselja, ker so videle nas.
Fish were jumping for joy because they've seen us.

Kanja in osla so ščitili Abo. - Buzzard and donkeys were protecting Aba

Popoldne pa že na trajekt. Prijazno so nas še opozorili, da bodo avtomobili brez kajakov na strehi porinjeni z otoka. Še sreča ...
And the ferry line on afternoon. We were kindly reminded that the cars without kayaks on roof will be pushed off the island. Lucky us ...
