četrtek, 19. september 2013

Vsa vesla 2013 - All paddles

Dogodek počasi prerašča okvirje disciplin. Tokrat na Vseh veslih poleg dvolistnega še 2x enolistno (SUP) in 1x ozkolistno (grenlandski kajak).
The 'All paddles' event is getting bigger. This year we added a SUP paddle and a stick.

Nas in mušic 14 milijonov - Strength in numbers

Še ena 'oben ohne' - Without flies

Georazvalina - Geodetic ruins

Prijatelji z nasprotnega brega - Friends from across

 Water taxi

Na ploh - Flatlining


KajakKanu Magazin 5/2013

Tokrat rodeo. This time rodeo.
