Novi kajak je v soseščini - Greenland 515, manjši od obeh grenlandcev, ki jih Sandro in ekipa CS Canoe ročno izdelujejo v delavnici v kraju Sacile. Večji (model 550), je na ogled na Tržaški 135, v trgovini Amfibija (v kompleksu Vigorground-a).
There's a new kayak in town - Greenland 515, the smaller from the greenland duo that Sandro and his team is producing in Cs Canoe in Sacile, Italy. G515's bigger sibling is on show in Amfibija shop, Tržaška 135, Ljubljana.
There's a new kayak in town - Greenland 515, the smaller from the greenland duo that Sandro and his team is producing in Cs Canoe in Sacile, Italy. G515's bigger sibling is on show in Amfibija shop, Tržaška 135, Ljubljana.