Letos smo se na Savinji zbrali šele 5.1. in ne 2.1. kot ponavadi in sicer v okviru Zbora za diwjo wodo, z naslovom 'Kdo nam je ukradel praznik'. Kljub protikriznim ukrepom smo se imeli še kar fajn, čutiti pa je bilo tudi veter sprememb, sevevzhodni, 15m/s.
This year we gathered on 5th of January for our annual New year's paddling on Savinja. Normally we would be there on 2nd but our government took a holiday from us and now we're much more efficient on the free market. We didn't really enjoy it because the depression is so deep, but we could feel the wind of change - NE, 15m/s.
Ogledalo časa - Reality distorted
Boj za vrh - There can be only one