Kot kaže je video 'A day at the office' zmagal na Peli natečaju. Glede na ničelno konkurenco pa sem pravzaprav zmagal na natečaju funkcionalne pismenosti :S Naj živijo pravila! Video 'A day at the office' won the Peli contest as the best video. But actually I won the contest in functional reading because of the nonexistent competitors :S Long live the rules!
Vsak dan isto - vstat, umit, jest, v pisarno, kufer med noge, zapri krovnico in gremo. Everyday is the same - get up, wash, eat, sit, put a peli case between your legs, close the sprayskirt and go.
Svetloba ob začetku dneva je nekaj posebnega. Če bi jo moral opisati z eno besedo, bi jo imenoval tema. Morning light is really something special. If I would have to describe it with one word it would be 'darkness'.
Val megle za Velo Proverso / Fog wave behind Vela Proversa